Monday, February 12, 2007

Blogging Ain't Easy

Blogging ain't easy let me tell you that. When I first started I was unsure of the amount of time and effort I would be putting into my blog. Well 20 post later I realize that Blogging on a regular basis is not easy. It is almost like having a second or third job. That said if you don't enjoy blogging then you will eventually stop and your blog will die a pain full death.

I have found that I do enjoy my blog but at the same time I do also find it a challenge to come in here everyday with something somewhat new for you everyday. And I am sure as summer approaches I am sure the warmer weather and longer days will make be yet another challenge for me to face. It just means several things. That when I am online I have to be efficient now. Not go out doing nothing when I should be updating. Have a plan, have a time limit - if I stick to them both I am sure I shall succeed

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