Thursday, April 12, 2007

Canucks Win in Quadruple Overtime

Early this morning the Vancouver Canucks Won in Quadruple Overtime. The game started at 7 pm and ended around 12:30 am. They played more then 2 full games. The next day Vancouver was in a daze as everyone who stayed up to watch it was sleepy all day. at work I found out that I was the only person who stayed up and watched the entire game.. Wusses I called them. Game 2 goes 6 pm on friday and should be another dandy.. Though B/c of the lenght and emotional drainage I think canucks will win the series because of the huge game 1 win. But time will tell.


608 said...

I hear you have the JohnChow pen! I look forward to your post about it ;)


jay said...

Hey, The Cuke wants the pen... you better post about it...

jay said...

Too late...she don't want it now!!